The Full Day Reentry Court Symposium is being held next week at the NADCP Conference in Boston on Wed., June 2nd at the Sheraton Commonwealth [SB-16] Register Today
I’m pleased to inform website readers that Reentry Court Solutions will be co-sponsoring three days of Reentry Court training at the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) Annual Conference, being held in Boston, Mass., from June 2- 5, 2010 ( see registration and accomodations information at NADCP Boston Conference )
For the first time ever, there will be three days of intensive reentry court training; at both the day long Symposium on Reentry Courts on Wednesday June 2nd, and a reentry court track (made up of six workshops) at the conference, on Thursday, June 3rd and Friday June 4th. An extraordinary group of reentry court professionals and experts from related fields have put together what I believe will be exceptional “skills-based” trainings and interactive reentry court workshops. Our mission is to get beyond the superficial, to the core issues in establishing the reentry court, through a dynamic format that encourages participants to get to know experienced practitioners in the field and hopefully establish productive post-conference relationships with them. ( if you have questions about the reentry court sessions at the Conference, you can email me at jtauber@reentrycourtsolutions)
Taught by experts from across the nation, the full day Symposium (June 2) will provide information and tools for developing a Reentry Court in your jurisdiction and/or your state. (see Symposium Agenda)
The two days of Conference Workshops (June 3 and 4) will also deal with reentry court issues from the perspective of state reentry leaders to those of offenders who have been through reentry courts and come out the other end.
These sessions are designed to provide you with:
- A grounding in the conceptual and legal history of Reentry courts
- A review of existing and planned Reentry court programs nationwide
- An understanding of the structural framework for Reentry Courts
- A step-by-step analysis of Reentry court system components, including assessments & screening
- An understanding of both prison and jail models
- An ability to adapt existing drug courts, at a minimal cost, to provide a reentry court function
- An understanding of how to get state policy makers to make the commitment to reentry court
- A conceptual framework for inserting “Evidence Based Practices” into your reentry court
[Disclosure: Although President Emeritus of NADCP, I receive no fees or other income for my work with NADCP in coordinating reentry court conference presentations or in any other capacity]