Ten Years of Committment fullfilled: CCJ/CASCA and Drug/Problem Solving Courts
In 2010, we celebrate the ten year anniversary of the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) endorsement of the drug court and problem-solving models. A unanimous endorsement (Aug 3, 2000) from all fifty Chief Justices and all fifty State Court Administrators brought ligitimacy, political influence, and respectabilty to a nascent field.
That unanimous endorsement was reaffirmed by Resolution 22 passed on July 29, 2004 (with eleven additional supportive provisions) and when Resolution 3 passed on Aug. 5, 2009, advocating for major increases in federal drug court funding.
For insight into how it came to be; see
CCJ Resolution 22/COSCA Resolution 4
CCJ/COSCA and Drug Courts Celebrate Ten Year Partnership
The Resolution’s Genesis: An Interview With Dan Becker